Prof. Dr. med. Ryudiger Lange

Rüdiger Lange, Prof. Dr. med.

Director of the Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery of the German Heart Center in Munich (TUM - Technical University of Munich)
Clinical focus

At the clinic, Prof. Lange offers a full range of cardiac and vascular surgery services for the treatment of acquired and congenital heart defects in children and adults.

Treatment priorities:
Surgical treatment of congenital heart defects in children and adults
Specializes in surgical treatment of Ebstein’s disease.

Heart Valve Surgery – specializes in minimally invasive surgical techniques; specializes in reconstructive, valve-sparing surgical methods; The world’s first total endoscopic mitral valve reconstruction; specializes in catheter implantation of heart valves.

Aortic surgery – specializes in valve-sparing aortic surgery; vascular surgery (operations for aneurysms, surgical treatment of aortic dissection) and interventional stenting of the descending aorta.

Bypass surgery – minimally invasive bypass surgery (MIDCAB); off-pump bypass (OPCAB); total arterial revascularization using both thoracic arteries.

  • 1973–1979 – studied human medicine at the Universities of Bonn and Munich.
  • 1979 – state medical exam at the University of Munich.
  • Doctoral dissertation 1980 Bonn, American State Medical Examiner’s Office: National Board, Part I (ECFMG).
  • 1981 – Resident Physician at the German Heart Center in Munich (Chief Medical Director: Prof. Dr. F. Sebening)
  • 1981-1983 – studying at Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA
  • 1983-1987 – Resident Physician at the Surgical Clinic of the Technical University of Munich (Chief Medical Director: Prof. Dr. J.R. Sievert)
  • 1987 – Resident Physician at the Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery of the German Heart Center in Munich (Chief Medical Director: Prof. Dr. F. Sebening)
  • 1988–1992 – Resident Physician and then Senior Physician at the Clinic for Cardiac Surgery at the University Hospital for Surgery in Heidelberg (Prof. Dr. S. Hagl)
  • 1992-1999 – Senior Consultant at the Clinic for Cardiac Surgery at the University Hospital in Heidelberg
  • 1993 – Habilitation and Venia Legendi
  • Since January 1, 1999 – Medical Director of the Clinic for Cardiovascular Surgery of the German Heart Center in Munich.