Prof. Dr. med. Günter Rauh

Günter Rauh, Prof. Dr. med.

Head of the Center for Vascular Diseases Promenade Platz/Münchener Freiheit
  • Focus TopMed
  • Focus Regionaler Arzt
Clinical focus

Venous thrombosis, varicose veins (varicose), superficial phlebitis, spider veins, lymphedema, erysipelas, peripheral arterial obliterans, functional circulatory disorders, inflammatory vascular disease (vasculitis), vasodilation (aneurysms) of the abdominal aorta and peripheral arteries (eg, popliteal artery), blockage of the kidneys and intestinal arteries (mesenteric arteries), embolism (formation of a clot with washout in small vessels), squeezing of vessels from the outside due to stretching of muscles and tendons (the so-called pinching phenomenon), compression due to weak vessel walls ( e.g. cystic adventitic degeneration).


1979-1985 Study of Human Medicine at the University of Erlangen and at Yale University, New Haven/USA
1985-1986 Physician Assistant at the Heart Center at the University of Erlangen
1986 Medical Diploma
1986-1987 Advanced Training at Beth Israel Medical Center at Harvard University, Boston/USA
1987-1997 Medical Polyclinic at the University of Munich, Chief Physician of the Department of Angiology/Vascular Medicine
1992 appointment as associate professor
1997-2000 Department of Vascular Medicine, St. Elizabeth Medical Center, Tufts University, Boston/USA

Since 2000, joining as a partner in the medical center with angiological profile and its transformation into the Vascular Center “Münchner Freiheit”

Since 2012 Foundation of the Vascular Center Promenadeplatz, Head