Prof. Dr. Med Helmut Friess

Helmut Friess, Prof. Dr. med.

Director of the surgical clinic and outpatient clinic at the University Hospital Rechts der Isar, TUM, Munich
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Clinical focus

Surgery of the liver, gall bladder and pancreas.

In his research career, Dr. Helmut Friess has focused on the mechanisms of molecular development and the influence of growth factors on the aggressiveness of pancreatic carcinoma.

In addition, he has elucidated numerous molecular signaling pathways that promote local infiltrative growth and distant metastasis of this highly malignant tumor.

Dr. Friess has studied various techniques for resection of pancreatic tumors in a large number of surgical and clinical studies and leads multicenter studies on adjuvant therapy.

Helmut Friess is one of the world’s top 10 experts in the field of pancreatic cancer treatment according to the US rating institute “Expertscape”, and is also one of the top three experts in Europe

  • 1982 – 1988 study of human medicine (urology), Ulm University.
  • 1988 – 1990 doctor in internship. Ulm University Hospital, Department of General Surgery, director: prof. HGBeger
  • 1990 – 1992 Scientific assistant. Ulm University Hospital, Department of General Surgery, director: prof. HGBeger
  • 1992 – 1993 internship. University of California, Irvine, USA. Department of Medicine and Biological Chemistry, prof. M. Korts
  • 1993 – 1996 assistant doctor University of Bern, Clinic for Visceral and Transplant Surgery Inselspital, director: prof. M. V. Bukhler
  • 1996 – 1996 deputy head physician. University of Bern, Clinic for Visceral and Transplant Surgery Inselspital, director: prof. M.W. Büchler
  • 1996 – 1997 assistant doctor Bilsk Regional Hospital Surgical Clinic, chief physician: prof. W. Laffer
  • 1997 – 2001 chief physician University of Bern, Clinic for Visceral and Transplant Surgery Inselspital, director: prof. M. V. Bukhler
  • Habilitation. Professor at the University of Bern. Topic: Growth Factors and Growth Factor Receptors in Pancreatic Carcinoma (Prof. Dr. M. W. Buechler)
  • 2001 – 2007 medical director/chief physician. University Hospital Heidelberg Department of General, Visceral and Trauma Surgery, Director: Prof. M. V. Bukhler
  • Since 2007 director of the surgical clinic and polyclinic of the Rechts der Isar Clinic of the Technical University of Munich

More than 650 original articles have been published in international journals.

Prof. Friess is a member of the General Assembly of the United European Gastroenterological Federation (UEGF) and Secretary of the European Organization for Digestive Surgery (EDS) and the former European Pancreatic Club (EPC).