how does medcabinet work

Get details on scheduling appointments, preparing for consultations, and more.

How to sign up for consultation with a doctor

Few simple steps to follow

  • Find a doctor by using 'Find a doctor' link or using 'Medical services' section
  • Choose a doctor you prefer
  • Choose a type of consultation - Teleconsultation with or without an interpreter or Remote request
  • Choose Date / Time of the consultation
  • Fill in Contact details form
  • Upload all the documents and send the whole description the doctor will need to understand your issue correctly
  • Pay for the consultation (this option will be added soon)
  • Receive confirmation from the doctor about the time of the consultation (Confirmation will be sent by email)
  • Receive confirmation from the doctor that he has got from you all the necessary documents for preparing the consultation (Confirmation will be sent by email)
  • The doctor may ask you for additional documents, which you must email to him in advance. If the doctor does not receive the documents, the consultation will be rescheduled
  • Get prepared for the consultation - please check the section below
  • Have an online consultation with a doctor / Get doctor's opinion by email if you chose written request
  • Get a doctor's summary / follow-up recommendations according to your case
  • Demand additional services if needed

Get prepared for the consultation

  • Prepare and write down all your questions for the doctor in advance.
  • Check the convenience of the room; no one and nothing should distract you from talking with the doctor
  • Check your internet connection
  • Check your headphones and that they are connected well, you can hear and talk through them
  • 15 minutes before the start, follow the link to the online consultation, check your connection (the link will be sent by email 24 hours in advance)
Get prepared to the call

During the online consultation:

  • Ask questions about the consultation topic, clearly and explicitly
  • Listen to the doctor's answers to your question until the end
  • When working with an interpreter, pause for the necessary time to translate
  • At the end of the consultation, in the final speech, the doctor will give recommendations on the topic of conversation
  • After the consultation you will receive a written conclusion within 48 hours after the consultation

Our offer

Thanks to Medcabinet you can get an access to the most professional doctors.


Your health - our success!

Contact us if you need any additional information about our service